Free Shipping to the US, Canada & Europe on orders over $100

Shipping and Return Policy

All the products on our site are handmade and are produced specifically for the buyer after the order is placed and paid for on the website. We do not hold stock. Therefore, returns cannot be accepted. However, if there are deficiencies in the product other than the one described on our site, it should be reported to us by email with your explanation and evidence such as photos if required. After our confirmation email, the product is mailed back to us. We will fix the product and send it back to you. After the order is placed, the production time varies between 2 and 8 days depending on the characteristics of the product. After the completion of your product, your orders are sent by a package delivery company. Our deliveries are available to the USA, Canada, all countries in Europe, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Qatar. The fees and arrival times of our shipments may vary based on the destination of your shipment. We will notify you with a tracking number to be able to follow. Since our products are handmade, there may be small differences and imperfections that are associated with handmade products. If there is any damage to the product that may be resulting from shipment, do not accept the delivery of the product and draft a written record and share it with the shipment company immediately. Do not forget that once you accept the delivery, the company fulfills its duty and you verify that the item has been received in good condition. When submitting the order, the buyer has to clearly indicate the receiver's name, full address, email address and phone number. Neither us nor the delivery company  can be held responsible if your information is missing or inaccurate.